Patient Stories
As a veteran attorney, Joseph (Joe) Graves is accustomed to putting his clients’ needs first and championing their cases. But these days, Joe is making it a priority to focus on another very important client—himself. More than five years ago, Joe was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and continues his battle to this day.
Linda and Ken Leiby fought prostate and pancreatic cancer—together.
A pediatric cancer patient recently received a fun surprise during a treatment session when her care team transformed the radiation machine overnight into a cheerful, smiling unicorn. The five-year-old patient was so happy about the adorably decorated “unicorn machine” that she ran into the treatment room with excitement the next day.
Just 11 days before his 23rd birthday, Nathan Rosin was diagnosed with testicular cancer. He shares his story about setting aside the fear and disbelief and focusing on a positive road to recovery.
Pancreatic cancer is Kerry Alvarado's third cancer diagnosis in a span of two years. An immunotherapy clinical trial has given her a positive option—and hope—as she continues to battle this tough disease.
When Rick Miskovsky was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, he and his wife and three children were devastated by the news. Now as a patient at the HICCC, Rick has been able to replace his fears and dire prognosis with options and hope, and he owes this all to his dedicated care team led by Dr. Charles Drake.
“It is challenging going through all of this, but the exceptional team of doctors remain focused on their mission of treating cancer patients at the highest level even during a pandemic,” says Suzanne. “I always felt, and continue to feel, safe at the medical center and hospital. And while things don’t always go according to plan, my organization skills and theirs certainly still came in handy.”