Message from the HICCC: Let’s Get HPV Vaccinations Back on Track

May 20, 2021

The Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center has joined fellow National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers and other organizations today to urge the nation’s health care systems, physicians, parents and children, and young adults to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination back on track.

Nearly 80 million Americans – 1 out of every 4 people – are infected with HPV, a virus that causes six types of cancers. Of those millions, nearly 36,000 will be diagnosed with an HPV-related cancer this year. Despite those figures and the availability of an HPV vaccine, HPV vaccination rates remain significantly lower than other recommended adolescent vaccines in the U.S.

The HICCC has signed a joint statement with 70 other NCI cancer centers to strongly encourage parents to vaccinate their adolescents as soon as possible. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently authorized COVID-19 vaccination for 12-15-year-old children allowing for missed doses of routinely recommended vaccines, including HPV, to be administered at the same time. NCI cancer centers strongly urge health care systems and providers to identify and contact adolescents due for vaccinations and encourage them to complete their HPV vaccination.